Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fantastic Mr Fox Movie directed by Wes Anderson

Director We Anderson is helmong a stop-motion movie adaptation of Fantastic Mr. Fox the 1970 children's novel written by Roald Dahl. Are lending their voices to the movie Fantastic Mr. Fox: George Clooney as Mr. Fox, Meryl Streep. as Mrs. Fox and Bill Murray as Mr. Badger.

Here's a first picture of Fantastic Mr. Fox and his family:
(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

"Angry farmers, tired of sharing their chickens with a sly fox, look to get rid of their opponent and his family."

The dolls they're using for this stop motion movie look really awesome. Especially the white rabbit with a gangster hood! And I believe the sound all along the movie will be as good:

"We went out in a forest, [..] went in an attic, [and] went in a stable. We went underground for some things. There was a great spontaneity in the recordings because of that."
Director Wes Anderson

They're putting a lot of eefort in the movie Fantastic Mr Fox, that's good to know! I bet the film won't be only for kids but will please to a large public.